We have been treated to months of nice warm weather in London, which has seen thousands of residents basking in the sun during this most unusual British summer. However, as we slowly begin to move away from summer and into autumn, you just know that the wet weather normally associated with Britain is lurking just around the corner.
Rain, hail and storms are not exactly the most pleasant of weathers to walk out in, but we aren’t the only ones who suffer. As roofing specialists in London, we have seen first-hand the damage caused as a result of high winds – and it isn’t pretty.
Exposed Frailties
The wind has a canny knack of finding and exploiting any frailties in the roof. The most common of these is any loose material at the edge of the roof – wind blows below and pushes up the material which, over time, can result in chain peeling. As tiles are disturbed, the insulation underneath can soon become exposed, which is not good news when the rain hits.
The roof becomes susceptible to leaks and other water damage, which can have a catastrophic effect on the home as a whole. This can easily be averted by ensuring that all materials are strong and sturdy, able to withstand the torment of high winds.
It isn’t just the wind itself that can lead to roof damage as debris is often the cause of having to consult a London roofing specialist. It’s not uncommon to find fences blown over and trees damaged due to strong winds, and it isn’t out of the question that such debris can hit or become lodged in your roofing or guttering.
Damage may not be instantly noticeable, so after a bout of strong winds or a storm, it will be worth checking your roof over for any damage. Scratches and cracks can soon deteriorate into more serious issues and cluttered gutters can soon result in costly damages.
As well as an exterior inspection, checking the interior for any sign of water damage is also essential. Any impairment as a result of a leak in the roof can result in moisture in walls and timber, which if left untreated, can soon cause serious structural damage.
Roof Repairs
If your home is in need of roofing repairs, it is important that you turn to a reputable company that can guarantee you a professional job with the desired results. Here at Able Roofing, we are proud of our status as one of London’s premier roofing specialists, meaning that when you work with us, you will know that no corners will be cut.
We offer a free no obligation quotation where we will clearly outline the work that needs to be carried out along with pricing. For more information, please feel free to send us a message via our contact form today.